At Seed Freaks, we’re enthusiasts for authentic Australian grown heritage seeds, nurturing our passion through over 400 varieties of open-pollinated and heirloom seeds.
As seasoned regenerative farmers and market gardeners turned seed cultivators, we’re dedicated to fostering plant seeds that are acclimatised to local conditions, creating robust crops that reflect the rich biodiversity of nature’s bounty.
Driven by our mission for food security and introducing Australians to rare and wonderful varieties you will never see on the very limited Australian supermarket shelf; we produce organic seeds representing varieties from all over the world that are rooted in our soil. We’ve hunted down and grown the best and most exciting open pollinated and heirloom seeds that have aced the Australian seeds survival test.
We don’t just settle for any old garden-variety seed – we’re crazy about rare seeds, in particular heirloom tomato and bean seeds that can trace their family tree back generations. We’ve overcome geographical barriers, selling our seeds online, Australia wide. Seed Freaks: The home of heirloom horticulture, delivering home grown heritage, one seed at a time.
The best way to get to know Seed Freaks is to get to know the team behind it!

Kate Tier
Until 2020, Kate was an international opera singer, and during her travels was exposed to varieties of vegetables that were brand-new to her.
She became passionate about wanting to bring not only variety to the Australian table but also the quality and nutrient density that becomes possible with a shift towards local production and regenerative agricultural practices. Covid made Kate realise the importance of food security has never been more evident and she decided that she wanted to contribute to Australia’s ability to achieve it.

Florian Bonenfant
Flo is a market gardener, regenerative farmer, and a soil health freak. You can always find him somewhere on the farm because his passion is working with nature and finding creative solutions to agricultural puzzles.
He discovered his love for seeds and seed production through his farming education, and he is fascinated by how different varieties adapt to every region or microclimate.
Can I pick my order up directly from your property?
No, we do not have the requisite council permits to run a shop front from the farm. The only exception we are permitted by council to have customers on the farm is for an open day.
Can I visit the farm?
Each year we endeavour to have an open day where we invite the public to take a look behind the scenes. We also sell seeds and seedlings at this event.
Do you sell seedlings?
Only on our annual open day or at specific market events.
How will I know which markets you will attend?
The best way to keep up with what we are up to is to follow us on facebook and Instagram and sign up to the newsletter.
Do you sell to Western Australia
Due to the strictness of WA quarantine, we have an official WA distributor “Down2Earth Gardening”. The inimitable Julie and Gary Richards of Down2Earth Gardening have Seed Freaks seeds in stock and can procure any of our Seeds for WA customers provided they are not on the forbidden species to WA list. You can contact Down2Earth here: website or Facebook
Will seeds grown in Tasmania be suitable for warmer regions of Australia?
Seeds grown in colder climates actually perform EVEN BETTER in warmer climates! There will be a few exceptions for varieties which prefer cooler conditions, and this will be clearly outlined in the product description provided!